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A Good Plan Of Care

Mar 11, 2024

Hi this is Dave Kats with Therapist Consultants. If you would ask me, what's the number one thing that makes patients stay with you longer and makes them take your plan of care?

I would say that it is giving a good plan of care, and this is our plan of care. It’s just a four page brochure that shows the patient what they needs to do. It talks about their condition, it talks about the mitigating factors. It talks about how many visits they need, and it shows an area for each of the types of visits they need.

Then at the end it gives you an area where you can give any comments that you want to. If you sit down with a patient, if you’re a brick and mortar practitioner, you sit down with a patient and give them a good plan of care.

They will follow through as you have never seen before.

If you are doing all virtual, you'll want to do this. You’ll want to load it up so you can show it to the patient because you see, if they just hear what you say, they say you can't believe everything you hear.

But if they see it, they say, seeing is believing. So if you want to have better follow through, put together a brochure, a plan of care that tells them exactly what you're gonna do, exactly how many visits they need and what you want them to do outside just being with you.

In other words, homework.

And if you do those things, I think you'll see that you have great follow through, much better than you do.

Right now we hear this, the most common thing that people start using is, my practice went up 30% when I started using this, and it never went back down. So if you want to do a good job with patient retention, start using a plan of care.

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