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Accepting Medicare

Apr 15, 2024

Hi, this is Dave Kats, therapist consultants, and I have a tip for you.

Therapists, now you can take Medicare. That means that you have a choice and you have to make the choice. You can opt in, you can opt out, or you can do nothing.

Now, if you opt in, you can then take Medicare patients, you can opt out or you can do nothing. Now, I wanna warn you about doing nothing. If you do nothing, you cannot treat a Medicare age person that's on Medicare under any circumstances. You say, well, what if I just treat them, I'll charge them and I'll give them a super bill. No, you can't do just a super bill.

In fact, even if you opt in, you can't do a super bill by law, you have to file the Medicare insurance for that patient.

So make the decision today. You can opt in, you can opt out, or you can do nothing. Each one has their own consequence. Decide which one you want for yourself and then make that decision and go for it.


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