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How-To: Offering Packages

Sep 09, 2024

Hi this is Dave Kats the Therapist Consultants and I have a tip for you. One of our clients has become very adept at selling packages or in other words several visits at a time. In fact ,she has a website that has an offer for them and they can buy a package of 10 visits for a 10% discount or a package of 20 visits for a 15% discount.

And she tells us that there's not a month that goes by that somebody doesn't purchase a 10 package deal or a 20 package deal. She has no idea where they came from. They just happen to see her website. They see the opportunity and they take advantage of it. So you might want to think about having package deals. 

Now when I say a deal, I don't mean you want to try to sell them on it. You just give them the opportunity. You just say, okay, we have this situation. You can come in and I can see you one at a time. You can pay one at a time or if you want to pay for 10 visits in advance there's a 10% discount and 20 visits in advance is a 15% discount. Would you like to buy a package or would you like to pay one at a time? Then just let them decide which they want to do.

It's not a sales job you don't sell anything it's just an offer that you give them and by the way when you do these packages make sure that you have in writing that they sign, that if they come and only use eight of the ten visits, you charge them the individual price, not the 10% discount price.

So think about that. It might be good to start offering packages. It's a nice way to get people to commit to a certain amount of care and still get you the revenue that you need. So this is Dave Kats. Thanks for listening.

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