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How-To: Reach Your Community

Oct 07, 2024

This is Dave Kats with Therapist Consultants and I have a tip for you. You know, one of the best things you can do is advertise on the internet, but advertising on the internet alone is not enough. There was a book written long time ago called Megatrends, and they talked about having high tech, but also having high touch, that as we get more technical and use the internet more, we have to make sure we don't lose our high touch. Now with COVID in the rear view mirror, one of the things I've noticed about COVID that make a huge difference in our community and all over the United States, is that customer service went down.   COVID was a nice reason to reduce your customer service and customer service went down almost all over. But you can connect with your community in a lot of ways. You can sponsor events, you can volunteer to work in community projects. I don't care what you do, but I will tell you that you need to be visible. You see most professions like the medical profession or the chiropractic profession or the podiatric profession.  They get referrals because people like to talk to the fact that they've been to the doctor or the chiropractor or podiatrist. But a lot of people don't like to say, I've been to my mental health therapist. And so you have to build your presence in the community through community events and it'll help build your practice. Right now, here's what I suggest you do. Take out a piece of paper and write down five things you could do to make yourself more visible in the community. This is Dave Kats. Thanks for listening.  Are you ready to take your practice to the next level? Visit to get started today!

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