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New Podcast

Jun 20, 2022

Hi. This is Dave Kats for Therapists Consultants and I have a tip for you.

I have something that I think you're really going to enjoy. We have started a new podcast. The podcast is not specifically for therapists, but for anybody who wants to grow and improve their lot in life. I do it with Dr. Mike, a friend of mine, and we talk about something important as far as improving your life and your lifestyle every week.

Now, you can get to the podcast just by coming to, or going to any podcast organization and just look up David Kats. That's my name. David Kats. K-A-T-S. You'll find the podcast. I think you will really enjoy it because it will help you and it will help your patients have a better life. This is Dave Kats. Thanks for listening.

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