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New Revenue Streams

Jun 12, 2023

Hi, this is Dr. Dave Katz with therapist consultants, and I have a tip for you. Sometimes therapists don't like to spend as much time in the therapy room as they do, and they'd like to get out and have other streams of income that they can use instead of just sitting in the therapy room. I have some suggestions of some things that I see our clients do that may help you.

Number one, have you ever thought about becoming a supervisor? You can take on people that are not yet fully licensed, you can supervise them, they pay you, they may work for you, and it's a great way to get leads if you're going to have new people come in, new therapists come into your practice. It's a great way to find leads of getting new therapists in your practice. Also, it's an opportunity to teach and get out of the therapy room, and you're teaching, instead, these people that are coming in to be supervised. By the way, you think about it, you supervise somebody about once a week for about a year, that's 52 visits. That's about the equivalent of having four or five new patients come into your office, so supervising is a good idea.

Now, for those of you who are on steroids and want to really do more than that, have you ever thought about becoming a teacher to teach other people how to become supervisors? Now, of course, you have to be a supervisor yourself, but you should look into doing the program, and sometimes it's very simple in some states. Get licensed so that you can get certified so that you can teach other therapists how to become supervisors. That's a great niche, and it's done by very few people, but it will certainly get you out of the therapy room and get you into the realm of doing seminars and doing the counseling with these other people that are trying to become supervisors.

There's a couple niches that I like. Another niche that you might think about is one that I'm in, and that is to take on clients, take on other therapists as clients, and teach them how to build their practice or teach them how to have a particular technique, in other words, become a consultant to your profession. Consulting is the most fun you could possibly have in my book, the way I look at it. I enjoy every minute that I spend doing consulting, and you could do the same thing if you just want to start. In fact, if you would like to start in consulting, I would be happy to talk to you about how to get started on your own. We wouldn't work together, but I'd be happy to tell you how to get started working on your own. We are always here to help. 

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