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Paying Up Front

Jun 26, 2023

Hi, this is Dave Kats with Therapist Consultants, and I have a tip for you. You know, some therapists are resistant to having patients pay at the first of the session. It used to be that everybody paid at the end of the session, but now the move over the last 10 years is to have the client or the patient pay at the first of the session before they go back for that session. I think you should do that, and here's some reasons why.

Number one, if they pay at the first of the session, if they do write a check or use a credit card, they'll do it a little faster so they can get back and talk to you, as opposed to hanging around the counter, waiting at the end, and talking to you a little bit more as they make out a check or as they take out their credit card. It'll get them back there a little faster.

The second thing, it'll get the payment out of their mind. They've made the commitment, they've paid the money. Now let's go back and have a good counseling session.

The third reason I think you should have them pay at the first of the visit is sometimes, it's rare, but sometimes, if you do couples counseling, for instance, a husband will get mad at a wife, wife will get mad at a husband. They'll walk out, both will walk out, and you're left with no pay for that visit. If you pay at the first of the visit, you make sure that you get it. There's one fourth visit. If you forget at the end of the visit, if you collect at the end of the visit and you somehow forget, you've lost that. Whereas if you pay at the first of the visit and you forget, you can always collect it at the end of the visit. Here's my suggestion to you.

Always charge the patient and have them pay for their session before they go back for their therapy. I think you'll find it's a great way to do it. We are always here to help! Visit to get started today!

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